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Signed Objects & Curiosities

“Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.”
  Robert L. Peters

glass vase , decorative objects , ornaments, decorations, ceramic objects , candle holders, photo frames, natural decorative objects , crystals balls , baskets, perfume botles, plates and bowls , pots, coffee cups , planters, images and figures, cushions, throws , carpets, clocks , mirrors , cutlery, serving  tray , cutting boards, jars , glasses , books , books holders , crystal hurricanes, accessories, 


jarrones de cristal, objetos decorativos, decoraciones, objectos de cerámica, porta velas , porta retratos, objetos decorativos naturales , bolas de cristal, cestas , perfumeros , platos y cuencos, vasijas , tazas de café, macetas , figuras , cojines, mantas , alfombras , relojes, espejos, cubertería, bandejas, tablas de cortar , jarras, vasos, libros , soporte de libros, accesorios 

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